healthy holiday giving

Each Christmas I try to have a ‘theme’ for giving to family and friends~~last year, for my three grown adult boys, it was the creation of ‘Legacy Boxes’~~each got three, really attractive hip looking {you know the Pottery Barn or IKEA look} boxes that I had lovingly spent time filling with parts of each of their lives. ย This was no easy task as I sifted through piles of boxes, photos, and ‘stuff’ in the attic deciding what they would like to have~~from congratulatory cards when each was born, college graduation programs, and lifelong photos to copies of their great grandparents’ immigration passports, pictures of their Dad and I when we were young, special school plaques, certificates, trophies and more.

This Christmas my focus is on ‘healthy holiday giving’~~I mean none of us is getting any younger~~we all have our remaining sets of teeth, eyes, organs, limbs and health that must take us through to our sunset years. ย With my boys’ DNA line and their genetics on both sides, there’s a real good chance each could live to 100 or more! ย Same goes for friends~~they’re getting gifts of health that are good for their spirit, soul and body. ย So here are some of the things I’m stashing now~~

Healthy (unusual) Spice Combinations ~~ Even Dr. Oz loves!

healthy holiday gifting

Healthy Homemade Snacks ~~ packaged in re-cycled saved egg cartons

~~healthy holiday giving~~

Healthy Herbs from my Garden~~wrapped in coffee filters & scrap junk costume jewelryย 

~~healthy holiday giving~~

Dried Beans with Fresh Herb Infusion~~with one of my boholicious bean recipes included!

~~healthy holiday giving~~

Gourmet Pastas because we all need a touch of decadence in our lives~~

Soup Artistry from my Kitchen~~all fresh ingredients & guaranteed healthy~~

Vitamins for Eyes~~yep, we all get the dreaded prebyopia sooner than later~~

Fresh Herb-Infused Oils & Vinegar~~herbs from my garden~~

Healthy Snacks like my ‘Dead Sea Spiced Granola’

~~healthy holiday giving~~

State of the Art Teeth Cleaning~~plus some dental floss!

~~healthy holiday giving~~

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  1. Love the box giving idea! It would take me as long as they are old to get that together! And I have twins so at the time no one ever told me I should make duplicate photos. Do you think I kept the negatives?

    1. Abbe…just go to WalMart and make a copy of the photo…and, I have 3 boys, the last two ‘Irish’ twins…I really picked through the ‘stuff’ and only gave them what they would really want/keep…did throw out a LOT!! The truly appreciated the ‘Legacy Boxes’…of course, they’re in their 30s now, have their own children, so know the role of parents xo ~~hugs ally

  2. Denise Collins says:

    Great ideas & gifts for Christmas

    1. Guess what Whit’s getting!! lol! Food and more! thank you, Denise xo ~~ally

  3. Gifts from your kitchen to mine are the best ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’m putting Ally’s Harissa on my Santa list. Seriously, all great ideas and I love the boho gift wrapping!

    1. Priscilla! Thank you, and making that harissa (roasting your own cumin, coriander, etc. seeds then pulvverizing) makes it even more fabulous! Boho gift wraping saves $$$ ~~ big bucks!! xo

  4. I love homemade gifts and I love your rustic boho packaging! Gifts from the heart are definitely the best!! Here you are, being all healthy… and I just posted homemade donuts! xoxo

    1. Ha ha ha! That’s so funny, Helena!! Thank you!! Well, I could use some of your donuts, too! xoxo

    1. Oh, Chris! Thank you…they’re from the heart and packed w/invisible love! xoxox

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